Read this article that includes two very relevant things for us: mentions some helpful tips to take into consideration when reading
2. it describes some different types of readers and asks us to choose which one we are.
After reading it, state which of the mentioned strategies you apply and describe what type of reader you are.
Reading Comprehension Tips and Speed Reading Strategies
Some Quick Tips To Improve Your Reading Comprehension
- Read early in the day: This will allow you to concentrate and retain more information than studying later at night when you may be tired. When tired, your concentration and comprehension will decrease.
- Read for short bursts: Try to read for 35 to 40 minutes at a time and then take a short break. If you have this as your reading goal it can serve as a motivator in trying to really focus on the material at hand. Try to make these “bursts” quality reading time
- Find a quiet location: Try to avoid your residence hall room on campus as well as the lounge. There are too many distractions there that are not conducive for quality reading.
- Monitor your comprehension: Ask yourself every once in a while, “What have I learned?” If you are having trouble answering this, then re-read the material, ask a classmate, or ask the professor for some clarification.
- Try skimming the chapter first: Take a look at the title page, preface, subtitles, the introduction and the chapter summary before reading the entire chapter.
Remember: College Textbooks are designed to help you by providing
ItalicizedBold Words
List of Main Points
Repetition of information/facts
What Type Of Reader Are You?
Are you a passive reader who likes to use a highlighter?
Result: Reading passively
delays learning because you are continually re-reading the material
highlighted and you may have the tendency to become lazy and highlight
most of your reading. Ask yourself this question, “did I retain most of
the material I highlighted?”
Are You Reading The Material For Hours At A Time Just To Get It Done?
Result: You become a lazy
reader (you develop a lower retention of the material read as well) and
you do not really focus your attention on the critical points; i.e., you
“zone out.”
Improve your reading by being a more "active reader":
Method One: SQ3R Method (Cornell Method)
Survey: Look over the chapter and get an idea of what it will cover. This will cognitively ease your way into the reading assignment.
Question: Think about, “what is this chapter about?” and “what examples support the author’s point in the chapter?”
Read: Go over the material
carefully and if you have any questions with vocabulary or concepts
write them down and review them after you finish that particular
section. Continue assessing your reading to see if you are understanding
the material.
Review: This is an extremely
important point. Try to do this a couple of times each week. By
reviewing, you will begin to see the larger picture of the main concepts
introduced. Think of this as an athlete or a musician who continues to
practice and becomes better and better during his/her performances. The
more you review the material (i.e., “practice”) the better your
understanding will be of that topic because you are “exercising” your
Recite: Practice by saying
aloud the material you are reviewing. This helps immensely because you
are utilizing both hemispheres of your brain.
Method Two: Design Your Own Question Notes
- Split the page so you have questions in one column and answers in the other column.
- From the chapter headings, make study questions that you feel could be on the test (also look for and develop “cause/effect” questions from them).
- Look for words in bold print. These are usually definitions; make sure you can give an example for the term. This will help because professors will sometimes give you an example of the term and not ask you specifically for the definition. This will aid you in learning the material instead of just memorizing it. Remember: You are playing the role of the instructor.
Practice: Please go over the
reading sample on the next page and write out what you think are the
important points of the material. A sample of what your questions/notes
should look like appears right after the sample.
Remember: Writing questions and
notes may be time consuming at first, but keep in mind that you are not
rewriting the chapter. Rather, you are picking out the important points
and, as a result, you now have your review sheets prepared for the exam!
THE END RESULT … A more active learner and better retention of the material since you are writing the information out!
Article taken from the web site