Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to Fit Reading Into Your Schedule and Actually Finish the Books You Want to Read

Chances are that you've said to yourself, at least once, that you need to read more. Whether you're too busy to read a book or you just have trouble getting attached to one, we have a few tips to help you schedule in your reading so you actually get it done and enjoy it.
The main reason it's difficult to find time to read is because it's one of the few times throughout the day where you can't multitask. With something like television it's easy to get up and walk away, or pound through a few emails during commercial breaks. Reading usually requires more of your attention. Subsequently, the best way to work reading into your schedule is to find those times in the day when you can dedicate the attention needed to reading.

Schedule a Daily Reading Time

  If you can, the easiest way to fit reading into your schedule is the most obvious: schedule in time to read. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it might be more possible than you think if you consider a few times of your day when you're not doing much else. We've talked about the benefit scheduling in 30 minutes a day to learn something new and if you can fit it into your schedule, that's all the time you need to dedicate to reading a day. If a 30 minute block of time is out of the question, use your downtime throughout the day to read. If you get a 15 minute break at work that you usually spend leaning against the water cooler, read instead. The same goes for you lunch, the bathroom, the gym, or even during that awkward time when you're waiting for a dinner to cook. Just make sure you always have the book you're reading with you so you can take advantage of any free time you get throughout the day. If you prefer to read a couple books at once, we've mentioned before that context is everything, so read the same book in the same location each time.

Set Up a Special Reading Area with No Distractions

You can do all the scheduling, timing, and book clubs you want, but if you don't have a comfortable place to read without distractions, it's not going to do you any good. This place is different for everyone, but the idea is pretty simple. Find a place where you can get away from your phone, your family, and any other distractions and just read. This may be something like the breakroom at work where you eat lunch, or it might be a specific chair in your house, but the point is to find a place where you're comfortable and can read in peace without dealing thinking about checking your email or cleaning the house.
The idea is to create a place where you can focus and enjoy what you're doing so you can absorb what you're reading. We've shown you before the benefits of thoughtful, active reading, and a good quiet place can make the difference in your enjoyment. After all, it's probably one of the few times in your day when you don't have to try and multitask.

Know When to GIve Up On Books You Hate and Find Books You Love

Sometimes your relationship with a book isn't working out. In that case, it's good to know when you close it up and move along to something you'll actually enjoy. As someone who often has to rely on a lot of "best of" lists to discover new books, I've tried to force myself through giant 800 page epics just because they get critical acclaim or because a friend recommended them. In those cases, I would repeatedly find excuses not to read just because I wasn't into what I was reading. Over time, I've learned to know when to back out and shelf a book for later. Read should be a pleasurable experience and if it's not, find something else to read.
It's also worth noting that finding your niche for books is probably the easiest way to make yourself take the time to read. This means something different to you than anyone else, but tracking down your favorite genres, non-fiction topics, graphic novels, or general interests is a sure-fire way to make sure you actually enjoy your time reading. If you're not sure what you like, the library is your best place to start to find the topics you're interested in. Just don't feel any shame if your favorite genre ends up being a line of steamy romance novels or cheesy hardboiled detective fiction.

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  1. We need take a time for reading, if you don´t have a particulary time in your days, you can do like a schedule and put a few minutes in the day when you can read, if really you don´t have any free time in the day, a good idea can be this, try always bring the book you are reading with you, in this way if you stay in a bank and need to wait for something, you can read until you are waiting, this idea about bring your book whit you can be useful in several situation.
    For read is better a lonly places, where you feel comfortable, a quiet place, where you don't have any distration. In this place you can enjoy and absorb what you are reading.
    You need to know when give up on book, sometime you are reading a book because somebody recommended you, but you don´t that kind of books, it's good to know when you close it up and go on.
    You need find a favorite genres or favorite writer, this a good way to make enjoyable reading for you.

  2. this articule is about giving the reader same tips to find reading more enjoyable, finding the best way to fit it in your daily routine and picking up something you would really be interested in
    First, it talks about scheduling 30 minutes of your day for reading, and if this becomes too hard for you to do take at least is whenever it is possible. then, it says to dedicate it a special place for your daily reading, some place quiet and away from everything. It also talks about finding the best subject of your enjoyment to read and not to be guided by best sellers as that might be something you do not like.And for last it says to try to find your own genre, topics, general interest and what you like on book, so reading becomes very enjoyable to you

  3. This is an very interesting and important articles, this days when technology has taken most of our time, each day we learn less and less about the things that sorround us.

    This article is giving us telling us how important it is for us to read and no matter how busy we are we should find a good time, a good place and a good book to read. It will help us broader our minds and add a lot to our vocabulary, also will help our mind to continue developing more and more.

    I like to read history, information but specially spiritual books like the bible, I usually get up very early when most people in my house are sleeping and I dedicate at least half an hour to study the bible or read any other book.

    I really feel like I have something to think through out the day and also reflex. If the day is very busy or complicated I like to think about what I read and relax for a minute, that is why it is important for me to enjoy what Im reading
